New Year’s Resolutions: Healthy or Hurtful?

You know the standard January 1 question: "What's your New Year's resolution?" I've always found resolutions to feel forced, cheesy, and odd. I can't recall the last time I even had a New Year's resolution because of this mentality, but I've been thinking about it lately... they are the hope for something new, something different, … Continue reading New Year’s Resolutions: Healthy or Hurtful?

Breaking Down Common Stereotypes of Personality Disorders

My previous post addressed the need to call out unhealthy, misleading, and at times, entirely inaccurate, stereotypes of common mental disorders. For this post, I wanted to focus entirely on personality disorders; Specifically, Borderline Personality Disorder and Antisocial Personality Disorder. Let's jump right in! Mental Disorder: Borderline Personality Disorder Stereotype(s): Those with BPD are mean, … Continue reading Breaking Down Common Stereotypes of Personality Disorders

Breaking Down Common Mental Disorder Stereotypes

Stereotyping mental disorders continues the overall stigma of mental illness. I just wanted to address some common stereotypes that I've seen put on clients from family, friends, co-workers, teachers, etc, that may be limiting a client's progress in therapy. Some of these stereotypes may seem extreme, while others a bit more tame, but nevertheless potentially … Continue reading Breaking Down Common Mental Disorder Stereotypes

How To Find A Therapist In Your Area

I've realized that searching for a therapist can seem like an overwhelming task, so I wanted to make a quick post about ways to find therapists near you. 🙂 The best way (in my opinion) is by searching for therapists on Psychology Today is a website that most mental health professionals have accounts for, … Continue reading How To Find A Therapist In Your Area

Experiencing a Full-Blown Anxiety Attack in Public

It has been a while since I've experienced an anxiety attack. I've utilized various coping skills, such as grounding, to regulate my emotions and anxiety, which has worked wonderfully... until this past week. I was catching up with an old co-worker about general life updates while in a cafe, and something just sort of snapped … Continue reading Experiencing a Full-Blown Anxiety Attack in Public